Saturday, November 20, 2010

Death by Deceit - a poem by the Christian Bible

Now, Annanias and Saphirah sold a possession
And took the money without confession.
They were offerings to the temple, so far
If getting their money, they went their way.

"Can give only a portion of it," one of them said:
Smiling proudly at the idea in their head.
"Allows to lie and say that it is everything we own"
I bet believe you that we, they you never experienced.»

"We still never get keep some," they said very coldly.
Then they walked towards the temple, a bit of boldly.
"Allows to separate it will be easy to focus."
They'll think true step spoke forged.»

If Saphirah obeyed and through the door,
That left Annanias, set his foot on the ground.
The Apostle named Peter stood in the Centre,
Watch Annanias about to enter now.

And it was a proud look on his face.
He laid down his plays and pushed in place.
"This is what I have and I am giving to God."
But something in his voice sounds very strange.

Peter "Annanias" said: "why are you lying."
Annanias is afraid, but he kept trying.
"It's all I have" it told with denial.
But peter knew God, you cannot pollute.

"It is not the fact that your offer was low"
But the fact that you said the money was all.»
Then Annanias fell, and he died.
Peter "Bring far" said then.

The realized her fate and Saphirah walked in.
She did not know what happened, his face was a smile.
"This is what I have, she then said to Peter.
"Please take it" she smiled even sweeter.

"How could do you that?Peter then cried.
"Mr. Saphirah why you've lied."
"I lied not" she spoke very hoarse.
"It's everything that I am, Yes, of course."

Just like her husband, Saphirah then fell.
But without a cry, cry or yell.
Voided them, God because they had been extended.
They do not confess, they kept trying.

They the out and buried both.
This is a lesson for me and for you.
And when it comes to God, do not compete.
Annanias and Saphirah chose to death by deception.

Christian books: our way to God

Ultimate Christian book is the Bible. Next door, are published books specifically as supplements to Christian theology. Christian books that allows authors and readers to explore the realms of Christianity. To interpret philosophical questions and almost all other things concerning knowledge of Christian theology.

What is she to become Christians is usually the most common topic in the majority of Christians books with all fields of study covering the Christianity and Christian doctrines.

Well written Christian books, poems, articles, and selections have considerable effects on personality and can lead to major changes in views a person. They are powerful instruments for spiritual growth of the person to read.

Christianity mainly refers to belief on a supreme being, specifically Jesus Christ as saviour of humankind. Christians are on the other hand, persons who have a personal relationship with God.This relationship has become the attention in the production of Christian writings.

These books are materialized his vivant.Comme God human responses is the case, the largest and most print materials when it comes to Christianity are often rotating on the topic on his relationship with the creator.God is the Supreme writer of history and the gods little (or Christians) are the authors of their own personal history with God, as the central character.

A single source deemed inspirations which led the authors to write their Christian reading, is the Bible RTI ' here has been the foundations of theology came, supported by the entries that have been discovered over the centuries, and there too is geniuses and Christian reads received according to their best sellers.

It's no miracle given that the Bible has circulated since Christianity commencé.Copies it reached and even the most remote regions of the world and most neglected sections of corporations.

For those who love and have general information on Christian reading, they can identify books because they often are the following:

-quotes and doctrines

-beliefs and dogma

-Manifests Christian

-basics of Christianity

-true to life stories

-inspiring stories

-meditations and reflections

-assistance to prayers

-build a personal relationship with God

-Christian theology and prophecies

-articles and news as they relate to predictions

-recovery and personal growth

-personal health

-social issues

-prayers and meditations

-management of lifestyle

-wisdom on life

-selections on the Department, disciples, evangelism, worship and fellowship


-fiction, books and like it

-guidelines for Christian life and a variety of other things.

Christian books have been written extraordinary meetings and not so extraordinaires.Vous may find some of them not pleasant because many reveal philosophies that are against your point of view personnel.Cependant, it does not deny the fact most of these keys coeur.La most reading is known for having created the profound changes and great among their lecteurs.Non only can people wear with ideas of the author, we also leads to recreate in a broader sense of religion and of lumières.Ce are mind .they openers wholesale expose that we should be believed in and reliable.

We have moved by what we lisons.Pourquoi? because they are stories of personal experiences with the being, we call on the Lord.

Friday, November 19, 2010

True love is sealed in your hearts, Ready to be either free

A true love story is sealed in your hearts, ready and waiting to be let loose. The key to unlock are in this article.

Ooh, romance, this wonderful and then feeling that most illustrious interleaving of two hearts. If live such a high but so momentary, then often so spent once never return.But it should be this way? can us by choosing create and maintain the most romantic in our lives?

Most people recognize need for more romantic in their lives.Thus, some romance is an objective itself or at least on the list of objectives for their love relationship.

But if the romance in our assigned love relationships are a very expensive objective and if more people want to in life, how can we produce, educate and encourage? what concrete steps can acquire ensure that romance takes seeds and prosperous?

The function of this article is to the idea that romance begins in your heart Center and expands outwards and is to a considerable extent, an expression of what you feel about yourself. In other words, by wooing yourself first of all, you are able to create the conditions which allows you to feel and to transmit the romance with another very easily agree.

Listen: your ability to love and accept yourself is the counter your capacity to love and take on the others. The same can say romance: your ability and willingness to produce romance inside is a measure of romance, you can't help to create a dedicated love relationship.

True romance is precisely of flowers and poems.Flowers and poems are dandy, of course, but are in fact only an extension of a belief that prices inside the something that begins in and derives the heart.Without this notion of heart-felt flowers and poems are simply an effort to be loving, not the expression of the real love story.

And how do you make more romantic in your life? set to wooing yourself.Love, accept and forgive yourself on a deep level.Spoil yourself with honour and understanding.Purchase of fleurs.Composer yourself a poème.Soin you with deference and nombrilisme.Et don't forget: If you do enjoy yourself first, you can not really love.

And don't forget it is much more important to be the right person that finding good personne.Nos relationships are a demonstration of the relationship, we experience with oneself .Romance, is thus an expression of State interne.Par first production romance inside, you'll be greatly on your path to create more love in your life.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A poem a day keeps the Heartache Away

In this complex world of technological gadgets, we run at a pace that would blush at the thought of our ancestors. Faxes are not yet fast enough, because we email which is instant. And whatever you are not at your computer because many phones deliver email in a snap. The latest news of to good overseas or weeds – past tickers to clarify and emphasize your day-it everything it fast digital transmission electron. It is a wonder that we have little or no time for self-reflection, for a moment of tranquillity away from the maddening crowd?

Yesteryear halcyon days often look like a distant memory. I remember that the highlight of my day when I sit in my room for several hours and enjoy classics - Tolstoy to Shakespeare's Hardy Keats - books containing these great works lined my shelves as eager to foam lining of the host tree.Whenever I read it as great literature, and especially after the memorize a certain passage books or some verse one of classic poems, I feel a soothing sense of good that today ' today appears as a distant souvenir.La heat, I felt reading the sonnets of Shakespearean or Barrett Browning and pleasure that I received from reading "Elegy written in a country Court Gray" inspired me to new heights and relaxed any grief, I had the impression of being trapped in the banal existence that I felt compelled to live.

No doubt for the reasons I was inspired to write poetry.Poetry is a way of sustainable long after the death of the poet, but especially the poetry is a way of facilitating grief is often imposed on us life quotidienne.parce poetry expresses things so symbolic and flowery, this mode of communication gives the reader the opportunity to enjoy a moment of calm self-reflection and the law becomes the anodyne of grief.In addition, if infuse us faith in poetry and divert their attention to a higher field and a higher being same God our Creator-then, we have the recipe to relieve sorrow and pain.

So do yourself a favour and relieve some grief today .read a poem or two and start to make some quiet self-reflection.

The story of Don Don Valentine's day

February 14 has long celebrated as Valentine's day when lovers Exchange cards and gifts as tokens of love for others. The origins of this holiday are disputed by many experts.

Some experts believe that Valentine's origins can be traced Roman and their celebration of Lupercalia, February although this celebration had nothing to do with love. This festival was held on 15 February and was closely associated with fertility. Roman men go naked in the streets, deleting from the crowd with rough strips. As it was believed to be hit could help a woman to become pregnant or to a pregnant in layers, females have deliberately step in the path of these shots.The word Lupericalia comes from lupus (Wolf) and is closely linked to the Wolf suckled Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome.Ce festival was only local in Rome and has been removed by Pope Pope Gelasius in 490 s.

There are several Christian martyrs bear the name of St. Valentine and holy day is February 14. There is Saint Valentine of Rome who suffered martyrdom in AD 269 and was buried on the Via Flaminia. His relics are located at the Church of Saint Praxed in Rome and the Church of the Carmelite Whitefriar Street in Dublin, Ireland. Due to the location of the relic of the latter, this Valentine may well known on the British Isles. Another Valentine was Valentine of Terni, who was martyred in 197 AD and is buried in another section of Via Flaminia.Since his relics are present at the Basilica of Saint Valentine of Terni, was probably not as well known in Europe these Valentines Nord.Aucun had something to do with love or romantic. Others that their name and the date of their day of saint, these saints have no link with the Valentine's day.

It seems that the idea that this celebration is associated with amateurs have been introduced by Geoffrey Chaucer in 1382 in his work Parliament of foules.Ce poem was written to honor King Richard II of his marriage to Anne of Bohemia. Chaucer, refers to the mating birds, it seems likely that he was not written on February 14, English were cold winters and birds would probably not have been present. An another St. Valentine had his day of saint on May 2, which would be more reasonable for birds be mating.

The design of the Valentine's day as a day for fans of a began the United States in the 1840s by Esther Howland, whose father owned a large stationery store.She began to mass products valentines that fans could send each other based on an English valentine she received.Purchase of these cards has led to the Valentine's day is the second biggest party for manufacturers of cards, second only to Christmas.

Since the 1950s, the fans gave gifts as well as maps.These gifts include roses and candy .the ' of the diamond industry began to promote jewellery gifts perfect Valentine's in the years 1980 today, flowers and candy are still given, as well as jewelry and the gift baskets variety which can be filled with chocolate or wine and cheese.

While many people may think as an ancient celebration Valentine, association that day with amateurs is developed as a commercial company maybe we should stick to the history of the ancient tradition.Fiction is sometimes much more romantic than the truth.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How to keep Christ in Christmas

Christmas can be a time especially busy year-round. Between gift, decoration and parties, our time is spread thin. Balancing your life while keeping of Jesus at the Centre is not always easy. Many Christian churches celebrate the advent period. For Catholics, it is four weeks before Christmas and have found, it keeps the focus on Christ.

Advent is a time to prepare and waiting for Christ. It is not only a time plan parties and Christmas shopping list.This is the time to prepare our hearts and minds for Christ now toujours.Spécial giving to the poor prayers, lighting the Crown of advent, advent and Christmas and reflect on our lives, are all part of the preparation.

What do we grew up in Catholic schools had a rich tradition of spiritual events, as well as the most festive side. The Church has reviewed and sounds a bit darker.Flowers that surround the altar where, at a minimum, and it was a contrast how develop it could be decorated in the period of the altar, fêtes.Sur I could see the Crown of Advent with 4 candles surrounded by greenery. Each week a new candle has been lit, marking a further step towards Christmas.

At school, we were always busy practicing songs for the game of advent or Noël.Nous concert started each day with a special prayer for advent and religious classes focus on the meaning of the season. Classrooms were all Advent Wreaths and are decorated with scenes of the crèche, the tree of Jesse and chains of colored paper. At school, there is no doubt that we were all preparing for Christmas.

In the all-girl high school I attended, we had a "secret advent Angel". Each person gave the name of a young girl, her rank and number of records. As "Angels", we were charged to surprise our secret person during advent with notes and unique gifts registered in their locker.We did our best to surprise our person and at the same time discovering the true identity of our "Angels."

Unique Christian gifts consisted of Holy cards, poems, prayers or candy cards securely glued to our lockable doors.The day is our traps were slowly decorated for Christmas. My advent angel appeared as a real Angel because scores recorded at my locker included messages of praise when I did a good job or notes of encouragement when things do is thus .c ' was like getting a note from my real guardian angel.

It is interesting to see how small token has been left by my Angel.Rooms school walk and see locker decorations has clearly indicate that it was a season spéciale.Et looking decorations slowly taking shape in the last day of school before the Christmas break was like watching an invisible work artist. A few days only seemed like a mixture of colors until finally the art project was completed and the creative work shone in the rooms.

The last day of school, all will be revealed and we would discover the identity of our advent Angel. There are already excitement in the air. Finals were Moreover, parts of advent and Christmas concerts were a success, and all 4 on the Crown of the advent candles were burning brightly. There are a few things to do before we intervened on the bus take us home for the break.

It has always been a surprise to discover our Angel and receive our final gifts. I never find out how my angles knew things about me to write the notes that they have left.A small school, only about 200 girls, but we could not possibly know everyone.

During the rest of the year, I've always felt that even though my secondary Angel was step watch over me, I knew that my guardian angel has guided me.As we see in Matthew 18: 10, "see that you do not seek on one of these small.""Because I tell you their angels in Heaven always see the face of my father in heaven."God has given us a special Angel to guide us in the year.

I have always the traditional scarf knitted by my Angel of freshman season each year when I make out of the Cabinet of cedar, that I remember from my school days and how special advent was at the time.I think that the girl who gave me the scarf and care that she had to make the donation.Angels of advent tradition reminds me to keep the advent period each year.

I feel so fortunate to have these recalls little helps keep Christ in Christmas and advent is rich with eux.À adulthood, I find ways to keep Christ in Christmas by finding wonderful Avent.Je activities do additional things to people without their knowledge to advent I give out for lunch, so I can put money in the kettle of the army of the salut.Je I am going to make a list of things to do and write on papier.Chaque day slips that I would pick up tasks a pot, and the task is completed, I will put the sheet of paper in a little lower for Jesus by cheminée.Le Christmas day, all documents in the seeding will be engraved in the home as a symbol of my gifts to Christ.

"Things" is great, but prayer is also importante.Debout side of my night, I have a book of prayers advent I say before my usual prayers of the soirée.Dans morning I will try to repeat the prayer and to reflect on the passage of the Bible of the journée.De more, there are prayers when the Crown of advent is lit.

I may have not a secret person to deal with the advent in my school days, but the possibilities are endless, ways of showing Christ to others.

Christian Accents

When we think of Christian accents, what type of elements come to mind? Perhaps a picture of Jesus or a picture of the last supper enters your thoughts. Christian indeed beautiful linings. The Holy Bible in your House would certainly focus ultimate Christian for your home, but there are so many other items for you to discover. When decorating your home to incorporate the feelings of serenity and love that you have in your life as a child of God and to share the love of Jesus with all your visitors as they enter your home, you have a wide variety of choices.

Christian accents come in all shapes, sizes and shapes. There are accents, which can be used in every room of your home. For baby's room, you could incorporate a 'train up a child"or even a music box playing the music of"Jesus Loves Me"picture frame Night lights or light switch covers pray the boys and girls, and photos to pray prayer children registered right on them.There are baby's room wall paper borders featuring Noah's Ark and the animaux.Vous find same Christian accents on their beds bedding items.

For the family room there are frames image with spiritual poems that add a special touch to this memorable image you cherish so much and plates with engraved entries right on them, the Angel figurines, music boxes and jewelry boxes play tunes like "Amazing Grace". And inspiring throws to place it on the arm of the sofa or Chair, invite all your guests to feel that same love and serenity you like in your House on a daily basis.

Christian accents are still found in the kitchen.Table ware with Christian designs etched in them and even special occasion ware table season holidays, coffee mugs that share daily entries.The possibilities are infinite adding Christian accents for your home inside and outside.

Christian accents in your garden, there are Angel figurines, intensification of stones with inspirational poems or entries registered on their plates and the outdoor patio area also featuring floor Dieu.Tous writes these accents Christian will inspire you on a daily basis and bless you and all your maison.Placez which enter the word of God, all of you and blessed.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Incredible holy places to visit - that is-behind

What is the concept that attracts the? Why that they visit places like Glastonbury, Stonehenge, 3 Egypt, pyramids of Egypt sphinx? Is - this hope? They know something that others ignore? What they "see" something that others can't see?

One thing I realized is that I, too, asked many questions.Donc I thought that maybe all these people go to these places, in addition to plain tourist interest) because they believe that issues can get answers or they feel that something is only in these areas.

Indeed all these sites are connected with various movements, religious or philosophical) return of thousands of years. Many modern and new age or Gnostic movements are strongly linked to these sites.

So, yet again, I've done this recherche.Regardez what I trouvé.Ces articles will be very informative, so I decided to publish in place Saint series. I'll start to Glastonbury.


The city is particularly remarkable for the myths and legends surrounding a nearby Hill, Glastonbury Tor, rises from the flat landscape otherwise Somerset levels. These myths relate to Joseph of Arimathea and the Holy Grail as King Arthur.Glastonbury would also be the center of several lines of the Act.

The legend of Joseph of Arimathea refers to the idea that Glastonbury has been the cradle of Christianity in the British Isles, and the first British Columbia Colombia Church was built there y request Joseph for the Holy Grail, 30 years after the death of Jesus.The legend says that earlier Joseph had visited Glastonbury with Jesus as a child.Legend probably has its origins in the mediaeval period where religious relics and pilgrimages were a profitable enterprise for abbayes.Cependant, William Blake believed this legend and wrote the poem which have become the most patriotic of English songs, Jerusalem.

Joseph is supposed to arrived at Glastonbury on levels of Somerset inondées.Le landing boat it blocked his staff into the ground, which flourished miraculously Glastonbury Thorn (or Saint Thorn). This is the explanation behind the existence of a hybrid Hawthorn tree that grows in a couple of miles of Glastonbury. This Hawthorn flowers twice annually, once in the spring and once again in time for Christmas (depending on the weather). Each year a sprig of spine is cut off by the local anglican priest and elder of the St Johns school children, then sent to the Queen to feature on his Christmas plateau.

Today, various strains of mysticism and Paganism coexist with its Christian heritage enthusiasts.

Also check this link:

Avalon library ([])

For all those that more research, there is a very exquisite library, library of Avalon.This is a private library located in the town of Glastonbury, Somerset, UK), which specializes in the works of esoteric interests.and is perhaps the only one of its kind in the library acquisitions monde.Les are maintained entirely by over 13,500 titles to date (date posted article).All books are not for sale, and you can read only the internes.Rien books out!

King Arthur and Glastonbury (

Legends of King Arthur's shake on Glastonbury as fog terribly proximité.Le Somerset marshes fort near South Cadbury Hill long been suggested that Camelot.En effect, the excavations of Cadbury location South suggest that it was in use in the early 6th century, which is the era choose you for the real Arthur have lived.

Glastonbury Tor, enigmatic conical hill that rises above Glastonbury, has been linked to the island of Avalon, where King Arthur was buried after his mort.Ce is not so difficult as it may seem, a Millennium ago water level was much higher and the tor would have indeed been a île.Avalon was also called "the island of glass" which suggests similarities with the name "Glastonbury.

The Holy Grail, the object of Arthur quests, is supposed to be buried under Glastonbury Tor and is also linked to chalice well at the base of the Tor.

A final Glastonbury Arthur myth: the landscape around Glastonbury is said to have been molded and shaped that features (such as roads, churches and mounds) create a zodiac calendar are crammed with symbology arthurienne.Comme as Arthurian myth, so is open to interpretation, and your own inclination to believe or disbelieve.

To stay, what to visit

Well there are a lot of things (as you can see) to visit it, do not talk about the experience and the energy of these lieux.Pour more information, visit

Monday, November 15, 2010

Creating a video of Christian mother's day poem

Our heavenly father we have wonderful moms who are Christians forts! For mother's day, it is an excellent opportunity for us to tell our mothers on how much we appreciate the lessons they even in the US and the sacrifices they make for us.

Many people's conscious to write a poem by Christian for mother's day, but you've seen that same poem and do a live online video? Hmmm, you may think that this sounds good, but I do not know how to make a video (or that I have a camera). You're good luck!I will show you step by step on how to create a video without a camera and having no expérience.Suivre.

Step 1 - find Christian Mothers day poem

The first step is the take your Christian mother's day poem and type in a Word file or any document texte.Vous must simply have an any in electronic form of the poem that you have already written. If you do not have a poem written, it is nice too, just take some of your favorite entries that you recall your MOM and type in the text file.

Step 2 - collect related photos

The second step is to get pictures of you MOM, you and other decorative images that she might like.You can easily import some memorable pictures from a digital camera, analyze certain images, or you can copy some free images of flowers and the sky if you the souhaitez.Il is a very important step.

Step 3 – easily create video of Christian mothers day poem

There is a free service called "Animoto" to take the text and images and place them in a very lively format which blows his socks in the large.De, Animoto has a library of Christian music, you can choose to play in the background, while the video is passe.lorsque you free service does exist no downloading required, everything you need is text and images!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Halloween, masks and the history of Halloween

Far and away the most popular use masks, today, vaguely but definitively in the scene, are for the annual ritual of Halloween and especially in the United States.

The evening of October 31 long was celebrated in the Church as the eve of all Saints Day Media ' and is called correctly all the-Hallow-even. Originally, in the UK before, it was the eve of the day of the year.Basically, it is a watch to celebrate the day commemorating the saints and martyrs, which originally had no specific public recognition in the form of their own party and was finally established in its current form to the ninth siècle.Par subsequently, on 2 November was dedicated to all the other Holy souls who made the sky but not been canonized as saints - All Souls Day.

All-Hallow-even or all dead Eve also become secularized Halloween, deriving from its roots Celtic and Gaelic in the UK this .This includes a tradition for children a chance of "trick or treat" - to visit houses, carrying a grey-o-Lantern (a carved pumpkin to resemble an evil face with a candle lit within the), scheduled a delight. If treatment is not forthcoming, the tradition allows children to play a trick on the brochure.

In Scotland Halloween has acquired a special meaning in part because of this name by Robert Burns's poem. Young guys and girls, who observe certain rites are supposed on tonight in their future wives and husbands have revealed their.

Ireland is quoted as being the origin of the secular celebration or modern Pagan and Irish emigrants to their superstitions with them in the United States.

Modern popularity have been greatly stimulated where a mask is used to conceal the identity of the murderer scary Halloween horror film series.Today the popular masks for Halloween include range Slipknot, Homer Simpson masks and gorilles.Les masks masks of Slipknot, created by the band heavy metal of the same name, based on a wide range of influences, not least & M, as well as the maggots, clowns and skulls.

The lead characters in the popular adult American comic strip series have all created available on the market, with especially Homer Simpson mask masks score high in demand.

Gorilla mask very same rate for Halloween, joined by all sorts of other evil as hell-Pack werewolves, bats, sharks and dangerous creatures or even stupid mutants of all kinds.

As with so many Christian holidays deriving from earlier pagan celebrations, it sometimes seems a wide gap between Christian devotion on the one hand and the modern version of the pagan ritual on the other u.s. ' a link, I can't help feeling that it resides in the common cause to try to put the fear of God in us, come Hell or High Water, probably the first!).

Christian Patience

A familiar scenario. Mortal man versus APGOBR (all powerful government official blameless). The man has a sequence desired planned events. In this case, it was to obtain a firearms permit. All required documents have been collected and filled. Just what was needed was a visit in the local registration office to finalize the procedure. Apparently simple. Not the case.

Several hours later, patience, long after having been exhausted, the man came home, angry and frustrated.Planning in lambeaux.Ce went wrong?

In fact, nothing would mal.La life happened is what is arrivé.Pour quote Robert Burns in his poem to a mouse:

But the mouse, you're not alone.

Evidence of foresight can be vain.

The best plans of mice and men thrown

Often go through,

And we leave nothing but grief and pain.

For promised happiness!

A great human characteristic human struggles for turning, is patience.Some people seem to good to barter things and others seem to fall apart at the slightest hiccup in their day prévue.La Bible has this directive.

PR 14: 29 A patient man has great understanding

but quick-tempered man displays the folly.

A patient man includes that life will not always go the way it was intended.It puts his path way to God.Instead, he learns to submit to the will of God and begged him for resistance to manage the way God had planned to lui.Il iterates through each day with its large eyes open to the possibilities of new lessons that God has planned for him enseigner.Il makes it its aim to please God and does not have its own chemin.Nous must become the "understanding" and not blindly bludgeon our way through the day forcing our commitment through the God to gently guided at the end of each day on the paths he has chosen maze maze walls.

Display quick tempered (madness, daftness, idiocy, insanity, madness, stupidity) madness lekeage choose which? it seems that, by default, many of us choose the path by mind blind waves of emotion which leaves little choice but reacts with folie.Prenons return a recognized problem étape.Un is already half résolue.Tout as an alcoholic must admit that there was a problem, we must make même.Si you think that your impatience is warranted, stop asking yourself your opinion because it rises to rien.demander other people like your wife and children for the débutants.Si they are too afraid to be honest with you, which stresses that the problem and you're.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How to write a poem of Christian mothers day

For mother's day, we make our moms know that we, the children and spouses love deeply. Not only they are mothers in our eyes, but also in the eyes of God and mother. And I see nothing better than to put the words of God and make a Christian poem she will never forget.

If you think you may have some trouble with the creation of a breath taking Christian poem for mother's day, then read on and follow the steps for success.

Step 1 - Brainstorm

The first thing you need to do is think of the kind things done daily for you and write on a sheet of paper in the form of list.It is important to say that you will overlook the small things, it all jours.Ensuite, you need to write great things she has done for you that you will not forget jamais.Ce are the times where you could not made thanks to a situation if it were not for a strong mother Christian. Write these memories into their numbering 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

Step 2 – Go to the floor

Now, it's the best part.Take the memories you have things that it performs for you and compare what other mothers did for their children in the Bible.To do this, the easiest is to perform a search for "mothers in the Bible" and read the things they have done for their children.Once you have a pretty good grip on the Moms admire you (Miriam, may, Leah, Rachel, etc.), then you can write entries on the same sheet of paper that you have your memories.

Calculezl - write a few lines

Now that you read first few poèmes.Je suggest taking memory and write and develop work "as" add how biblical mother is the same example chose.Par: "You sacrifice your dreams for mine as JOCHEBED son Moses".Ensuite, being a little creative and add another memory/comparison and this time have the last word rhyme with the last word line précédente.Par example: "you love me just the same as Leah, even if I'm not old."The words have no step to mean exactly, but its important to have the Biblical references in each row (by adding entries and help).

Home Business ideas for Christians

1. Christian Craft retailer. You can physically build a large stock of Christian crafts and sell the House. Or you can maintain only a website offering these Christian gift ideas. You can acquire these from a company or a group focused on the cause that makes them. Your customers will be religious churches and common parishioners enthusiasts.

2 Christian Bookstore. Just as Christian crafts retailer business, you can also retain a Christian book store as well as others who are inspiring stories that it. You can maintain a store or it can also be done online.Another idea is a ligne.Mais library you must be aware of the necessary permissions and copyright laws if you prefer a library online.

3 Christian T-shirt.You can design T-shirts with quotations from the Bible in them or put a few prints and images of original biblique.Utilisez your creativity so that the creations will mesh with today's fashion trends. For all you know, you can start a fashion statement and evangelization at the same time!

4 Christian poetry and short stories Inspiring.Si you are a good writer, take your pen and start writing some comforting poems and stories of human interest. You can sell a magazine printed Christian or Christian websites. You can also choose to write exclusively or you can also syndicate.

5 Christian Paintings. For the painters out there, this will be the person for you. Take a verse from the bible and imagine perfect for it.Then use your brush and draw your imagination.Vous can try painting Jesus as it iterates through the water and he teaches the Beatitudes.Or, you can paint just from the mountain and seeds mustard, as in the parable.Everything is design.Try it.

Working at home can be very enrichissant.surtout if you are a personal mission in relation to elle.beaucoup people have done in their respective fields in domicile.Vous can make même.Aller forward and test the eaux.Qui knows, your gold mine could be here!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Last will and testament - what Legacy are leaving you?

"I have his spirit are hereby bequeath...". "When my mother passed to his reward in heaven, these words dark sounding as soon as the new meaning for me. I was one of the heirs of Mama. My name, as well as others, was on his legal document with the directions of what it wants to sweat on his disappearance. Mama was no longer with us, but these few cleverly typed words talks about his last will and testament to her, seriously and finally: "I hereby bequeath...". "It has never been rich, but it was her last words. I would gladly have renounced my inheritance to Mama alive again. But it was not to do.

Elapsed days, maybe weeks. It was kind of a blur. But he had to do. So finally, I started to do what had become my responsibility of sorting through personal Mama as well as some questions could be completed things. It has always been a piétée woman and a mother who sacrificed his life for the sake of his family. Was little, a few small trinkets and souvenirs and box notes and various writings she had written over the years. It is in this area I found mirror was Mama, which was in her heart.I wasn't an heir simply money and things mum had inherited something much more value; I had received a rich heritage.

Webster dictionary said "legacy" or "heritage" is that anything sent to the heirs. but usually applies to something other than real property or material things. My mother had passed to my belief in God and his love for his commands and means. She had tried throughout his life to install me as his child.But as I read his "thoughts" by poems and notes after his death that I have gained insight into the true I reçu.Et is to me. What would be the final results of all this?

Thoughts began to weigh heavily on my mind. Thoughts of this heritage, I'd pass to those I love? Is it money?Land? houses? Alternatively, the heritage that leave my children would have the eternal value? And - they receive willingly or he despises?

We read in the Bible of Esau.He was contemptuous of his right of primogeniture (Heritage), so he vend.Nous could say, he threw it considering what he received in place of him. But what is often overlooked in the history of Esau is that it does not only sell or discard its right of primogeniture. Actually stole the birth of his son and right of primogeniture sound grandson, and so forth. They even never had the choice in the matter.

Could anyone ever think that Esau - or later his grandson and indeed his posterity together, have chosen to sell him his right of primogeniture son he donated by Isaac? This is a legacy that could change if only they had the opportunity to receive all the management and the future of their lives. Esau is a very stupid choice. But what is with me: I am a "Esau?Would it be I sell my birthright right?

The most important legacy or heritage, a person could ever receive a grandparent or parent is a strong belief in the word of God and of its principles - with the understanding of the need to comply with its standards. However, anyone who has been with for having such a legacy passed was the choix.Nous can receive and by the grace of God, strive to keep our heritage saved - and pass on to our children. Over time, will do the same and transmit to their children and so forth. Alternatively, we can be like Esau.

When a parent blessed to have a heritage piety incriminating choice here and there, they are not to pass on their wealth to their place of this enfants.Au, they are stolen legacy of their child and their child childhood.These children, because if a choice may wish the legacy of their grandparents and relative, if only they had been given the chance.

Parents how much is there today, which, like Esau, previously a legacy of their parents?They had been raised in the homes of piety and taught the ways of God.But along the way, they believed that "what is the problem with a bit of this or this?""I will live by the rules of these ole fogies."Until finally, like Esau, they despise their right birthright and sell for a more contemporary Christianity - an easier with any "cross," so no commitment - except in entertainment, ideas and ways of the world.

We read the warning from God in Jeremiah 6: 16, "ye thus saith the Lord, stand in the way which: see and ask the old paths, where is the good way and walk through it and you will find rest for you âmes.Mais they said, we will walk in it."

I dare trade rich legacy that prior generations have passed the me - for a bowl of soup watery - many market easy and user-friendly contemporary Christianity today? life my children, their children, their children – and their future may depend on my choix.Je not dare make such exchange stupide.Je "ask for the old paths" and "walk there in" (Jeremiah 6: 16) .puis as my last will and testament the time is read, I trust in God that my heirs, knowing with certainty and cherish the legacy I've left, say, "The Lord is the part of the legacy of mine...""Yes, I have a considerable heritage" (PS. 16: 5, 6).

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New utopia - rich diversity of religious awareness Haiku Poems

Beautiful words and symbolisms of the Bodhi tree are the Foundation for the theme of this wonderful book, new utopia by Kumar, who is consistent across pages. The essence of the theme began with Helix lines without end by next Natsuishi, the concept of the end of the summer by Sayumi Kamakura and illustrious words of Adam Donaldson Powell set out in the front part.

The complication of these three dynamic poetic Giants sets the stage for this excellent book of haiku. Drive a lot of experience with the literary movement on the pages of contemporary haiku poetry.Relationships between work items and collective beauty of natural creation of God, are illustrated in great manner between the lines of haiku poems inspired book créatif.On must read the experience!

The essential spiritual theme of this book intersects the spectrum of religion. One is able to find a mixture of Christianity and Buddhism on its pages.Take this haiku, for example: "dove in a garden was attached / lived in the temple of the Lord [Temple of the Lord]: / Virgin Mary [Virgin Mary]". "" (Haiku poem was historically written in lowercase as the traditional style of the writing of haiku poetry.)Naturally, as a symbol of peace dove is the descendant of Christ, while Jean Baptiste stands Jordan River. The Virgin Mary is the mother of Christ in the Bible, and the essence of this haiku speaks to the heart of Christians on Christ, John the Baptist and Temple of the Lord, which is the Church.

The other hand, the Bodhi tree and the Buddha reflects years of suffering Buddha perdure.Tout meditating under the Bodhi tree forces poorly invasive autour and tried their best to disrupt his meditation. One could assimilate to Christ is on the cross and the difficulties it has endured by the crowd while he mediated by God. Therefore, in this book of haiku poems, we find a mixture of Buddhism and Christianity in the figurative language of poetry and literary sense by the author.

Balancing in the middle of this contemporary trip, we find another haiku look as follows: "buddha [Buddha] suffers / suffering of christ [Christ] / life [live]"full crosses.""Of course, here we find a comparative analysis of Christ and Buddha.Suffering are reflected in their lives, their terrestrial journeys and tribulations they endured for humanity.The language of haiku poems and theme in this book reflect religion so sincere and spiritual emulation so the essence of Christ and Buddha in a contemporary manner.

Finally, with the spirituality of haiku from the Bodhi tree link with "birds imaginative noises in the tree"; "see plays an orphan child" …and then "understand the quest of the butterfly nectar," really illustrate the essence of the haiku as edifying text poems and inspirational soul it must not forget the glossary to understand and to find the definition of a Word from clarification.Il is excellent for everyone to read it with joy and smiles reading haiku book and obtain a journey spiritual and educational in haiku.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The best inspirational gifts

Inspiring gifts are a special way to touch a heart, soothe a soul and send spirits soaring. They lend a caring touch style and reinforce the value of the donation. A source of inspiration gift can speak these words to heart felt that mouth pourrait have found it difficult to express. Inspiring gifts stop the essence of what are these parts reach out to everyone. Inspiring gift is perfect for any occasion, whether for birthdays, graduations, marriages or anything under the Sun. Inspiring gifts is not always intended for occasions. It can be granted without reason comes with a sense of someone you really care for inspiration. A source of inspiration gift can be used to emulate when someone undergo mental blues, loses confidence in any point of life or even when someone is ready sets new goal in life. A works significant gift to inspire wonder in the holds of a suppress soul and inspiration to meet the challenges of life. Not only the words emotional wisdom and inspirational motivation in gifts inspired but also renew its spirit. With a donation of inspiring a message of inspiration can be coupled, it will be carefully till eternity by the recipient.

Gift source of inspiration in fine art prints is a unique gift idea for someone. Lithographic printing in rosewood with a score of inspiring integrated it framework is a great inspirational gift idea and MySource Commander on the honoured person. Lithographic printing is also available in gold. A poem little Mignon poet who is shows for his source of inspiration, so rooted in a solid oak frame encourage not only the person addressed but also bring a perpetual smile fun in his face. Buy an eternal smile of joy in your closed his face by Don just him or her, a decorative with a short but powerful inspirational message as jar "think just of you". This is perhaps a message just to hear, but it will be cherished forever, inspiring gift stupefying and touching.Wrist cuff for women with a line source of inspiration actuators integrated it has acquired a position of excellence in the categories of inspirational gift in single row femmes.Cette transmits a wonderful message inspiring person privileged.

Source of inspiration for plates are such a paradigm of inspiring gifts which blows a source of inspiration and strengthening the resilience of the Interior. It brightens the day of the recipient, depicts a warm love and loyalty that is rarely expressed, ready a way to express your heartfelt affection to your loved ones who lives far from you and with you inspires what either you take or something you will have to face in life.Life offers a voyage long and tax and to survive, you need inspiration for your fermée.Source inspiration plates are a range of metal with an acclamation inspirational message implanted in it. This is a fabulous category inspiring gifts that you can keep in front of your eyes ever since he never die.

There are a few gift inspiration for patients with cancer that affects the deepest heart of patient's heart and he pays with a source of inspiration for vivre.La frame musical acrylic picture is a source of inspiration inspirational yet exciting gift item. Bear cancer, comfortable cap, surviving cancer, faith, Angel ornaments decorative box does cancer with notes, stained glass, inspiring cross bracelet sterling silver and loops earrings and bracelet for childhood cancer awareness are among the most valuable and outstanding inspirational gifts for patients with cancer. All these gifts inspired with some short inspirational message yet sensitive elements are a fabulous medicine works twice this pharmacy working.

Gothic church of metal decorative accessory light tea is a breathtaking phenomenal empowered Don element which may be given to anyone on all occasions. Christian inspirational figures, top rated wine kosher, kits of Feng Shui and home accessories and beautiful inspirational friendship books are some of the most amazing inspirational gift items that will bring a smile of glory and a feeling of ecstasy in the face of someone. This is an extremely touching to inspire your loved ones or those that you treasure.

Inspiring accessories and collectibles are a handful of certain sections of inspirational gift category more recherchés.Rosaire fine pearls incorporated into a necklace of crucifixes focus silver finishing a beautiful antique room are religiously inspired for anyone who believes in Jesus Christ.An Angel holding a rose, a portrait of a lighthouse at sunset with touching PS. inspiring lights, glass figurine of a standing on a cloud of hands Holy Mother held in blessed prayer and accompanied by a trio of glorious cherubs, glazed red heart and shiny gems incorporated into a lace volutes cross pewter are some gift more grandiose inspiring elements which works interrogate any person suffering mental blues because he got a divine power, it is the Holy Cross who soothes mind struggling and inspires all donations depressive heart.Inspirational can be customized too.Specifically, this means gift would be the name of the recipient along with a small inspiring message relating to have a stronger impact on the honoured person because these inspiring words would mean to him.These inspirational gifts custom can be cups, pen, certificate, or a framework photo.Un compass source of inspiration for life gift pack which includes pendants, laughing and keychain is also a mobile inspiring gift for your loved ones.

Explore all these wonderful inspirational gift ideas and try to make feel most special your fermés.Tous ones these inspirational gifts send powerful comfort touch cœurs.Ces mentioned here inspirational gifts offers a strong faith statement also inspires dans.ainsi recipient and get familiar with the variety of inspirational gift ideas and then go for a purchase in good faith.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What is with the extra mile?

We've all heard the expression "goes extra mile".  But we know what it really means? And so I decided to seize this simple phrase in a search engine. You do not believe the amount of books, songs, poems and sermons that have been written on this popular saying. I even found a number of companies and educational institutions which are known as Extra Mile.

 The idea of an additional effort comes from the Bible.In Jesus 5 Matthew taught his followers some valuable life lessons still difficile.Ce passage is quoted from verses the SEG 38-42:

You've heard that it has been said, "Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth." but I say resist not someone badly. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.And if someone wants to prosecute you and take your tunic, have your manteau.Si someone go you to a thousand requires, go with him two miles. Give to the person who asks you and turn not away from those who want to borrow you. 

In a society in which we are taught from an early age to ourselves, to defend our rights and to defend it seems strange to ask someone to go a little further, to give a little more, do a little work supplémentaire.En made when read in a perspective of 2009 "modern", seems a formula for the disaster. It seems to be encouraging disrespectful and abusive behaviour. It seems to suggest that a become a doormat! 

 How can contemporary Christian reconcile the words of Jesus with the current reality and are still appreciated and respected? How you can be dynamic and safe and still walk an extra effort?Sincerely, I do not all réponses.Je do not believe that do us. What I know is that you bring to your mind everyone likes you pave the way for this fresh voice to speak to you and tell you what to do in difficult situations. I also know that you need to plan ahead of time that just this love implies; You will show how this love, because that is how people will be able to identify you as a Christian. 

There are countless situation in which you will need to go that extra mile. It may be at school, at work, at Church, traffic, or even at home. Several times to feel it, and although it is the right thing to do, as many times to feel bad. It is going to be times when you will get tired to go an extra mile, and you can ask when your turn to be favored will come.   Become discouraged, press. 

 This year of school, I have a special needs daughter in my owner. Dee * does none of my classes, however.   A few weeks ago guardian came not working. I have noticed that I walked into the classroom him sitting there. Read the confused look on my face, students quickly informed me of what was going on. I have nothing ready to attend him with 27 students of grade. My first thought was just ignore her. All the teachers who had made me exactly that.It seemed to be entertaining itself, anyway. In addition, special needs Department was too far and I could not simply let alone class and go there to inform them. And that is why I started my lesson. Students should read a passage in silent mode. The time where that room had increased again, she began to talk about the top and to itself. Twenty - seven pairs of eyes raised to ask me flinching "what are you going to do?I smiled and walked to Dee. "Would you like to learn a few words in English." Febrile, she replied that she would like that. If I make it out the scissors and glue. Then I got some old magazines and taught him a few words. She find pictures in magazines and paste them in each word.

 As I worked with him, I could sense my students watch me closely. I had been trying to drum in them the importance of decency and tolerance, but talk is cheap.  Now I put words into action.In the middle of the period of the class, the specialist visited by obtaining the Dee YH ' I breathed a sigh of relief. Teens may feel hypocrisy.I walked that extra mile and I had passed the test.

Is it my job to teach Dee?Not at all.There is a special guardian who gets paid to do this.But the awards show love are beyond measure.

Not always do my end of stories on a positive note.Much longer that I care to remember I acted selfish and completely discarded the feelings of the other ECE ' have been in positions to give more and more, but have finished my trip to the first mile.Récemment alike, I gave a ride to a colleague who lives about five minutes far from moi.Nous we agreed that I would fall him at a bus stop just to stop on the main street, where I transform into my quartier.Je could have easily by him on his door but I was tired and hungry and that she was already very grateful for the faveur.Si she had bus at home, it would have taken his more at least an hour to the maison.Elle was not expected to go loin.Et I, although I could easily have.

These days I reprogrammed my mind easily identify those moments where I take the decision to plus.Ce than a journey it has been!

Monday, November 8, 2010

African history - timeline 20th century (1902-1950)

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It is the purpose of this article to provide the general reader with a comprehensive picture of world's greatest civilization originating in Africa, a continent leading modern scholars today refer to it as the 'the cradle of civilization'. This chronology seeks to address sophisticated and intelligent readers who had never previously read anything serious about Africa, from the earliest times to the most recent.   Most black people have lost their confidence, their true identity, because their history has been neglected, falsified and sometimes concealed. Diana Crawford Carson has been instrumental in the compilation of the chronology as she spent many hours synchronizing facts from many sources and verifying the language usage. Note: the century headings generally refer to the first date mentioned. Example: an entry covering the 14th to the 18th century will be found under '14th Century, 1300s'. The numbers in the left hand column are arbitrary, to help those using the indexes. All information has been resourced; resources are listed after the main text, just before the index.

The 20th century, 1900s,   (1902-1950)

128                 1902   Benin, on the west coast of near-equatorial Africa, and formerly known as Dahomey, was controlled at this time by the French.

129                 late 19th - early 20th century     Interest in Africa and African culture was rising, and an American University, Emory University, acquired a widely comprehensive collection, known as the Carlos Museum's collection, of late19th century and very early 20th century art objects, in many forms. This collection, largely from West Africa (Benin [see 64], Nigeria, and the Grasslands of the Cameroons) with additional artefacts from the central parts of equatorial Africa, now mostly Zaire, offers an extraordinary opportunity to gain valuable insights into the various cultures, and their artistic development.

130                 1913   Oral tradition preserved much of the literature of many parts of Africa, with an accuracy little known or appreciated in 'white' countries. The story of Liyongo, a contender for the throne of Shagga (or Shaka Zulu) was transcribed by Muhammad bin Abubakaro. His work is titled (in English) 'The 'Epic of Liyongo Fumo', translated from the original 'Utendi wa Liyongo Fumo'..

131                 early 1900s   The prolific South African Xhosa writer, Samuel E K Mqhayi, established his native tongue as a suitable language for literature. Xhosa (also known as Khosa), sometimes disparagingly referred to as 'the click language', had not previously been viewed by English speakers as fit for literary purposes. This writer clearly proved the error of that view. Other novelists of that time cogently portrayed black Africans as fully human, moral people, sophisticated in their own cultures; these novelists included Thomas Mofolo and Solomon Tshekisho Plattje. These writers, and others, were part of the rising protest against the European racial stereotyping of Africans. Writers of the early 1900s and long since that period helped to lead the protest against the indignities put upon indigenous African by the attitudes of, and oppression by, white South Africans.

132                 1903   DuBois, the prolific black American (with more than 2000 publications to his name) was seen as a strong support of the 'Pan-African' ideals, including the importance of recognising common roots among the descendants of the Diaspora, the dispersed black Africans, 'children' of those millions of Africans sold into slavery throughout the world, over a period of many centuries.                                                        

133                 W E B DuBois' 1913 publication, and perhaps the best-known of all his works, was 'The Souls of Black Folks', which encouraged awareness of the need for a sense of identity and unity among black Americans. DuBois (1868-1963), whose autobiography is also profoundly notable, and a fellow writer, Jamaican Marcus Garvey (1896-1973) were both literary and social leaders, unifying black people, and helping concerned white people better to understand the issues being raised. These writers, and many more black writers and other black activists, supported the black pride movement. (In French, this was later called 'Negritude', a term little used after the middle 1940s.)

134                 1914 At this time, the only African countries free of European colonial control were Ethiopia in the east and Liberia in the west. The rest of Africa remained under European dominance.

135                 1914-1918     By the beginning of the 'First World War' in Europe, all African nations (except Liberia and Ethiopia) were victim to claims by the colonial European powers. This war, WWI, with the defeat of militant Germany and Germany's subsequent loss of its African territories, proved the invalidity of the beliefs in European invincibility and white superiority. Despite the fact that France and Britain took control of the former German colonies for a time, no longer did African peoples (or the rest of the non-white world) accept the white nations' claim to have the right to rule the world. France and Britain fully expected that the post-war League of Nations would help the colonies achieve independence.

136                 1920s Anti-colonial tensions, and growing African striving for independence, led to more than one Pan-African Congress, meeting in Paris. Missionary-educated Africans, and a small elite of Africans who achieved European or American higher education, were among the elite of the African leaders. These talks at the Paris Congresses were given even greater urgency by strikes in the Gold Coast (not yet restored to its historic name, Ghana), Sierra Leone, and Nigeria, all located on the coast in British West Africa.

137                 1920s-1930s   Literature again revealed a great deal about the growing anti-colonial and black nationalist attitudes in Africa. Many missionaries had helped to integrate traditional praise songs, poems and prayer forms, adapted into Christian teachings, along with the introduction of missionary-familiar hymns, all translated into the indigenous vernaculars. Missionaries encouraged writing, as well as censoring and controlling numerous avenues of publication and distribution of the writings of black Africans. The overall effect was encouraging to young (and older) black writers in Africa. The first African to earn a PhD was Ali Mostafa Mosharafa of Egypt, who received his PhD (1923) and Doctorate also in Mathematics (1924) from the University of London. Also in this decade (1926), the first eight indigenous Kenyans were ordained into the Presbyterian ministry.

138                 1925   A classic novel, Thomas Mofolo's third, written in his vernacular, Sotho, was a challenging tale of 'Chaka (or Shaka) the Zulu'. Chaka was a 19th century Zulu leader, militant as necessary at times. 

139                1930   Mofolo's book was followed soon after by a book on a related topic, this time a historical romance about Chaka's lieutenant, Mzilikazi. Written by Tshekishu Plantje, this fine work includes some Bantu praise songs.

140                 1930s The growing number of independence-seeking francophone African writers led to the birth of the so-called 'Negritude' and Pan-African movements in Paris. ('Negritude', a French word, was used before and perhaps up to 1945, to refer to the developing and increasingly proud recognition by black people - in Europe and the United States - of their history, and their cultural and social heritage. This movement is now more frequently referred to as 'the black pride movement'.) There were many eloquent writers, poets, and speakers, spreading their message of freedom of government and of spirit, in France, throughout Europe, and even to America.The worldwide depression increased worker dissatisfaction in Africa (as well as other parts of the world). It affected the colonies, leading to restlessness with the colonial powers, and both strikes and uprisings, even revolts, in those areas. All this encouraged African nationalists to redouble their organizational efforts.

141                 1930s, continued    The 'Negritude' movement originated (see 137)   in the Parisian bohemian period of jazz and other aspects of cultural openness, where French colonial Africans found freedom to create, to paint, and write. Many of this movement were students, completing their education in Paris. These intellectuals from many parts of Africa and the Caribbean already had much in common, even as together they began to explore their shared roots, and their shared experience of destructive victimization and loss of identity under the divisive and oppressive European colonization rules, practices and imposed foreign education. This awareness of shared losses strengthened the intellectuals' determination to speak out strongly against the evils of colonization, and seek their special African identity and traditional culture, or cultures.

142                 1930s, continued    As these mature students and others among them were finding ways to communicate their understandings, feelings, history and hopes, they sometimes spoke of Africa as a woman and Africa before the European colonizing invasion as a Garden-of-Eden-like Utopia. An extraordinary Senegalese poet, Leopold Sedar Senghor (born in 1906), later to become the first president of his homeland in 1960, was an especially skilful communicator and leader, even a militant communicator, who strongly supported the 'Negritude' adherents, in their protests against colonization; they were especially resistant to French attempts at assimilation. These attempts were very strongly put down by the francophone Africans who, though fluent, always strongly preferred to speak their own vernacular, reaffirming their identity as not-French. This literary intellectual group attracted other highly able writers, including three outstanding poets: Leon-Gontran Dama, and the brothers Biragao Diop and David Diop. A fourth significant poet in this group was Aime Cesaire, from the island of Martinique, an overseas department (one of the 26 'regions') of France. Cesaire stated, in an interview in 1967: 'We lived in an atmosphere of rejection, and we developed an inferiority complex.' The desire to establish an identity begins with 'a concrete consciousness of what we are -... that we are black...and have a history...[that] there have been beautiful and important black civilizations...that its values were values that could still make an important contribution to the world.' It is interesting to note that most of the present population, which is close to half a million people, are descended from African slaves; slavery was banned there in 1869. All Martiniques have full French citizenship.

143                 1936  Zanzibar, a Swahili city, celebrated the 25th anniversary ('Silver Jubilee') of the noted poet Sultan Kalif bin Harub, by printing a postage stamp, honouring him and his work.

144                 1939-1945    During the 2nd World War, some of the main theatres of war, other than on the European continent, were in North Africa, Southeast Asia, and Pacific Islands, the latter particularly involving the USA against Japan. Many other important non-European war sites, however, were in European colonies. With the end of the war, there were many power-problems faced by the smaller nations even though now free from war, and from the German invasion. Freedom was 'in the air' for those nations, both European and African, and the spread of freedom ('decolonization') for at least some of the former colonies became inevitable. The next decade saw many changes in some nations colonized by European states (including those nations colonized by Britain).

145                 1947   An innovative magazine, 'Presence Africaine', was published in France under the editorship of Alioune Diap. This journal, celebrating many aspects of the non-white, then-called-Negro people, was among the first in this field. 'Ebony', in the USA, was also beginning at about the same time but, because of the language difference, these magazines appealed to different readerships.

146                 1947   India and Pakistan, British colonies for some decades, achieved their independence from Britain. Mahatma Ghandi, a qualified Indian lawyer, at one time in South Africa, was among many instrumental in leading these nations to freedom. Ghandi became India's first president. When the British granted independence to India and Pakistan, this greatly increased the pressure for decolonization (freedom and independence) in other colonies. In this same year, 1947, the records show that a second African received his PhD in Mathematics. This was A M Taylor, a Ghanaian, at Oxford University.

147                 1948  Once the publishing world realized the economic potential, as   well as the social benefits, of publications in this field, other publications came on the market, as well. One notable addition was the 'Anthologie de la nouvelle poesie negre et malgache de langue francaise', again a French publication, perhaps partly because France was deeply involved in some African nations, and also because black immigration into France was already strong. This 'Anthology of New Negro and Malagasy Poetry in French', edited by Senghor, presented many writings of French-speaking black African and Caribbean poets.

148                 1950s  Jomo Kenyatta, a name the mission-school educated Mr Johnstone Kamau Ngengi assumed as he worked towards freeing his nation from the English, led a lengthy campaign for Kenyan freedom.  Kenyatta was imprisoned by the British in 1952, and held until 1961.

149                 1950 and beyond   ln literary matters, perhaps the USA led the way, with autobiographies, histories, poems, novels, short stories and thrillers by black authors, helping to establish a strong market in the USA and internationally, for their works. Elmore, DuBois, and Baldwin are among the many American black notables whose works were significantly to the fore during this period, in the USA, and far beyond. In Africa, Xhosa writers included South African A C Jordan and, in other African languages and English, Alex La Guma and Bloke Modisane; the poet Rolfus R R Dhlomo, and Lewis Nkosi, playwright and literary (and other) critic. A third African, Chike Obi, earned a PhD in mathematics in 1950.

150                 1951  In Tanganyika (present day Tanzania), Shaaban Robert was being recognized as the leading poet and essayist of Kiswahili, in East Africa. 'Kusadikika'  ('To Be Believed'), his best-known work, is a profound analysis of the current political situation and movements in his land. An allegorical work, it owes much to Jonathan Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels', an 18th-century British serious fantasy.

151                 1952   The London publication of 'The Palm-Wine Drinker' (by Amos Tutuola, of Nigeria) introduced an exciting hero-tale from Tutuola's own Yoruba oral tradition. Possibly this was the first, or one of the first, published books written in African English, more casual than formal English, but a most effective medium.

152                 1953   Among the proliferating writers of this decade, the Guinea-born Camara Laye became one of the most famous, especially for his masterpiece, an autobiographical novel 'The Dark Child'). Laye was noted for his powerful psychological insights. 

In this same period, there were two outstanding novelists from Cameroon, Mongo Beti and Ferdinand Oyono. Both were very observant and skilful satirists, whose books are both penetrating and powerful. 

153                 1954   Peter Abraham's autobiography, 'Tell Freedom', recounts the severe colonialist racial prejudice he experienced when yet a child, in his Johannesburg, South Africa, homeland. At that time, many South African writers and journalists first found an outlet through 'Drum', one of several popular magazines to publish their work.           

154                 1954-1962 The indigenous people of the French-controlled 'francophone' colonies continued to struggle for independence from France. This was complicated by the wish of some Africans to keep the economic and cultural ties for their own (African) benefit. The indigenous Algerians, surrounded by a million white settlers, did not share this wish; they wanted freedom. 

155                 1955   Many potential film makers went to Europe for their training, resulting in many interesting short films of European life, seen through African eyes. Credited with being the start of African film making, 'Afrique sur le Seine' showed a fresh view of student life. This film, which has been referred to as presenting 'a pioneering view', was the work of Paulin Soumanou Vieryra.

156                 1956   This was a year celebrated by two nations, in their new freedom. Tunisia was granted freedom in March, 1956; Morocco was granted her freedom at the end of this same year. (Note: Ethiopia had never been colonized; it had always been free.)

157                 1957   Among the earliest black African states to achieve independence was Ghana. Ghana had been an ancient nation by that name, though for some decades renamed Gold Coast. On gaining freedom, it also regained its historic name. The newly independent Ghana was led by the notable Kwame Nkrumah, freedom fighter, ex-prisoner of the British, and free Ghana's first president. The British transfer of power followed Ghandi-type strikes, rallies and boycotts of British goods.

158                 1957-1958     In his nation's new freedom, in Ghana, the much-respected poet and critic, Kofi Awoonor, began a significant collection of African oral traditions (which he translated into English). This collection included Ewe (pronounced as EH veh) dirges, and many other elements of oral traditional history, which otherwise might have been lost to future generations. (see 195)

Being a gifted poet, Awoonor wove these materials into his writings, both poetry and prose, the latter including novels such as 'The Night of My Blood' (1958) and 'This Earth My Brother' (1971). Throughout his life's work, Awoonor worked to recover and preserve the important pre-colonial African culture and oral traditions. He believed that it was imperative to reconnect his people with their past creations, if they were to survive as a people.

159                 1958   'Things FallApart', by the Nigerian novelist, Chinua Achebe, attracted many readers, locally and internationally, to his study of the threat to indigenous values from western culture, not only the impact of both past and present colonial structures, education, culture and attitudes, but also the pervasive present influence of many things 'western'. Achebe's works, written in 'African English', were very popular, drawing, as they were, on the rich oral traditions of his people.

160                        In this same period, African film makersalso relied heavily on the indigenous oral traditions, in both story and poem.

161                 1958   Britain officially granted independence to the (Dutch descent) South African Afrikaners.

162                       The government of South African exiled many black writers, Mphahlele and Abrahams among them; other writers simply emigrated. (see 175)

163                 late 50s - early 60s    The impact of South Africa's racism, and the impact on many lives, affected the English language writings, and English audiences of such South Africans as Doris Lessing (and her 'Children of Violence' books), Nadine Gordimer (novelist and short story writer), and Athol Fugard (playwright). These three writers, and many others, wrote of these and related issues in their many works.

The Irish problem

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The expertise and advancement of the evolution of man and his culture is evident in one area only - that of propaganda and lying. They have learned how to suck and blow simultaneously out of every orifice of their bodies. Deceit, black ops (e.g. Kennewick Man), 'hide the ball' (e.g. the confusing array of Pyramid explanations) and secret agencies of advanced skill and esoteric expertise in all social structures that allow us to be 'managed'. JFK, Watergate, Iran/Contra or Ritalin, the program has a repeating plot that is rife with immorality and it's ever-present greed. The maze the Minotaur went through on Crete is reproduced near Glastonbury (or vice versa like Karnac and Carnac) and it is harder to get through the maze these 'social engineers' create or are still trying to create.

There may have been a time when the Romish plotters had a bet with their allies in Britain over who eradicated their assigned enemy first. Most people are aware of the 'Flagellants' and the Holocaust or Inquisitions against the heretical Jews. There are few who know the Irish were almost successfully eliminated and had disappeared into the bogs so the English couldn't find them. The Mayans did the same thing with the Spanish and no doubt lots of others have sought to blend in with the environment in order to avoid such persecution by becoming 'conversos' in public. Bede was probably not the first (Eusebius and others were re-writing and plagiarizing) English historian to jump all over the Irish. Hume was a great historian in this tradition of debauched prejudice too. Here is a letter from him congratulating another conspirator in this continuing plot.

"I see you entertain a great doubt with regard to the authenticity of the poems of Ossian. You are certainly right in so doing. It is indeed strange that any men of sense could have imagined it possible, that above twenty thousand verses along with numberless historical, could have been preserved by oral tradition {Lies on paper are more easily maintained or referred back to.} during fifty generations, by the rudest, perhaps of all European nations, the most necessitous, the most turbulent, and the most unsettled. Where a supposition is so contrary to common sense, any positive evidence of it ought never to be regarded. Men run with great avidity to give their evidence in favour of what flatters their passions and their national prejudices. You are therefore over and above indulgent to us in speaking of the matter with hesitation." (2)

Yes, ego of men and their need to flatter their national prejudices are a fact of life, and not just with 'verbal tradition'. In many ways the ancient egalitarian peoples had less political and social reasons to lie, and they supported equality between all people. The Englishman who wrote this could be one of those arrogant even shockingly self-centered blankity-blanks who think God is his right hand man. The author of this letter was regarded by Edward Gibbon (who wrote the 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire') as England's greatest historian. He is David Hume and his intellectual progeny and fallout are directly connected to the far less but just as influentially prejudicial words of the great Encyclopedia. This letter is a masterwork of insipid prejudice and a deceit of monumental proportions.

We know for a fact that Hume is speaking the kind of vile invective that allowed Gibbon's friend Lord Sheffield to benefit so much from the rape of Ireland. Sheffield was a paid off absentee landowner and key political player in Britain's impoverishment of Ireland. This buying of support by giving lands in other nations claimed by 'Divine' or other debatable 'Right' has a long history in European monarchistic management. These authors of hatred and war, prejudice and ignorance, have unclean hands and obvious conflicts of interest. They were called the cause of the Rwandan genocide of the last decade in lock-step and clear order as Number one and two criminals. Number one was the Catholic Church and then the Anglican. They are not separate from their government or secular authority as the recent Canadian court awards make evident. The Catholic request for government to make payment with them for the billions they owe the Indians or the insurance companies the government works with that are paying up are all part of the menagerie.

Sein Fein was the name of a cultural revival newspaper and society began by Prof. MacManus and others. Now it is a guerilla or terrorist organization. Why do the Irish fight amongst themselves and believe in Catholicism (south or Eire) that practices the same usages as the English Anglican Church? Why is the Protestant North that feigns to abhor those usages engaged in fighting for the English? The English gave them their land and brought them there from Scotland, while making trade and taxation deals with them to ensure they remained loyal and prospered. Is the church promoting hatred and divisiveness? Sure it isn't engaged in secular matters, what with the separation of church and state and all that kind of fiction!

"Naturally, of course, the first thing that people in power should do, for a country facing starvation, was to forbid the export of foodstuff from Ireland. But, as Englishmen, having this source of supply cut off, would then have to pay a higher price for their corn, the British Government, 'could not interfere with the natural course of trade'. 'But' the Viceroy Lord Heytesbury, reassured the dying ones, 'there is no cause for alarm-the Government is carefully watching the course of events!" (5)

What a wonderfully careful Government it was, too. The movie Far and Away portrays a little of the situation and Michael Collins with Liam Neeson states there had been 700 years of war in its opening scroll. The English sent scientists to discover the effects of blight on potato crops as well as the effects of starvation on people, despite their lesser 'civilized' nature. They didn't even return a reasonable portion of the taxes they collected from Ireland during the Famine. The papers in London ridiculed and satirized (in the inimitable English intellect of Hume et. al.) the 'unsettled' or adle-brained drunken Irish, who could offer no more resistance.

"As they were unable to pay rack rent to the absentee landlord, thousands of the starving ones were thrown out, and other thousands threatened to be thrown out of their wretched homes, to perish on the roadside. In consequence frenzied poor men shot a few of the vilest of the land-agents and landlords. At the opening of the Parliament in January '46, Queen Victoria, addressing her 'Lords and Gentlemen' observed, with deep regret, the fearful situation In Ireland-adding-'It will be our duty to consider whether any measure can be devised, calculated to give peace and protection for life there.'

The simple reader, who knows not the way of the British with Ireland, would here naturally come to the conclusion that the tender-hearted gentlewoman, full of sympathy... was directing her Parliament to try to save a multitude of lives. But this would be a mistaken conclusion. She was here referring to the handful of Anglo-Irish landlords and agents, whose lives must solicitously be protected whilst, in trying times, they were endeavouring to hack and hew their usual pound of flesh from the walking skeletons in the bogs and mountains of Ireland. Some of these thoughtless ones were in danger of slaying a landlord rather than see him slay their famished wife, or hollow-eyed children. Hence the good Queen advised her 'Lords and Gentlemen' that a stringent Coercion Bill was needed, and must be provided to relieve the unfortunate conditions prevailing in Ireland. [3]

[3]-Notes: Among other benefits which the excellent Bill proposed to confer upon the suffering people, it rendered liable to fourteen years transportation away for anyone found out of his own house after the sun set in the evening and before it arose in the morning. In the operation of this beneficial Act many things occurred, that to an outsider might seem strange. For instance John Mitchell records such happenings as that of a quiet respectable farmer, who on a summer evening, when the sun was near setting, strolled a short way down the road to pay his working-men and walking back when the sun had just sunk-though it was still broad daylight-was arrested for heinous crime against 'the Queen and Constitution of this realm.'" (6)

Hitler had to pay his guards just like the Turks who made the first fenced concentration camps around this time (for the care of the Armenians). Of course the ghettoes were a form of concentration camp that cost the administrative countries that had Jews a very little amount of money. This was especially true when they were inclined periodically to dispossess them of their treasure. The Romish churchians had learned the benefits of not being an Empire and having to share the booty with the citizens of Rome in earlier times. Christianity should be studied as the pre-eminent marketing plan of this whole era we call 'his'-story. Is there a possibility that the Jews and the Irish are a threat to someone for something to do with history? Is it their inclination to regard Jesus as a man who preached truths like the divinity and freedom of each soul while on Earth? You would have to study what went on at the Synod of Whitby in 664 AD in order to get a feel for the reason the date of Easter had to be changed and to know the Celtic Church and their monastic Orders like Iona (in the Emerald Isles and in places like the Greek Islands) were a real threat to Rome. Then you would know the Jewish and Irish perception that Jesus was a prophet and not a Messiah was part of it.

The Irish were hounded and pursued, ridiculed and beat upon in all ways or methods available to man. In America as indentured slaves or Civil War soldiers (both sides, the Rebel Yell is the Keltic war cry) they were worse off than the blacks or Chinese. Over the course of a long time they lost even the bulk of their verbal tradition. Their knowledge of the Celtic Cultural Age some call Atlantis is almost non-existent. The Ossianic tales and legends bear close scrutiny despite what Hume and Gibbon have written. Taliesin was more of a fabricator or fancy and Frank Lloyd Wright was enamoured of him. It is worth noting the status of the blacks in the Christian church as well as the excellent civil rights record of this church that has been the dominant force in Western society through all the Crusades and other heretical inquisitions and divisive tactics. Gradualistic god-guided 'chosen ones' who reach rapture or the Goff, due to their elitist prejudices are soon going to get their karmic due I hope. The cells of cultural adepts like the de Danaan are getting more support as archaeology uncovers things like Gimbutas' Old European alphabet even if the gods of archaeology cling to Sumer like they did to Clovis. Richard Rudgely isn't the only one to notice if things don't fit the prevailing theory they require different standards or are thought to be a hoax. His credentials are impeccable just as were Campbell's and Gimbutas'.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

We celebrate the Saint Valentine's day because of a Wolf

Why we celebrate Saint Valentine's day? What is it for the greeting card companies increase sales? Non. Origins may be much older that you imagine. When Rome was just like a settlement, they had a festival called Lupercalia. In honour of the God, Lupercus, who felt they protected their Wolf. The night before the festival, all girls unique placed their names in a vase. Every single man drew a name, and they are partners in all games and dances.

Finally, Rome became a town fortified and highly protected is more tormented by the wolves, but people liked the festival too to renounce it. When they became Christians, they still wanted an excuse to keep the holidays.A Christian priest named Valentine beginning has been run by the Roman Emperor Claudius II on February 14 279 AD.donc, it became his day holiday and the new reason to commemorate the day.

There are several priests named Valentine and history is foggy, whose agenda is really named pour.Une Valentine's story is that he performed weddings illegally when the Emperor passed a law prohibiting the young men to marry. Claude wanted their minds only on military service and the conquest of new land.

Another story suggests that St. Valentine has been in prison for preaching Christianity. Emperor heard speak of his good qualities and is ready to forgive Valentine if he converted to the pagan religion. He refused and even went so far as to attempt to convert the Emperor!This anger Claudius and Valentine, was sentenced to death.However, he had befriended blind daughter the jailer and performed a miracle for elle.Comme it was led by dying, he requested that a note be given to the girl. When she opened it, his show was restauré.La note signed "of your Valentine", making it the first valentine note ever written.

Valentine was in prison, it is said that he wrote notes on the petals of the flower and their attachment to people messager.beaucoup bird said that is why we say flowers on this day.

Years later, the pair singles drawing names was scorned by the Church. They decided to draw the names of saints instead, boys and boys were then to try to live in the same way as the saint for the following year.It did not go very well, and soon the old tradition has been restored.

The first Saint-Valentine's day, we know was written by the Duke of Orléans in 1415 to its femme.Il was imprisoned in the Tower of London and has written several poems in French and in English, using the word "valentine" means favorite.

Believed by those of the middle age each bird chose a partner on the Valentine's day is perfectly natural that human beings humans should too.During this period, the young men who have names for valentines had to buy gifts for their partner for the entire year.This could mean flowers before each dance or festival, or it could mean more expensive items.

A very special Valentine's gift was a pair of gloves, which in reality means that the young man asked the Lady hand in the mariage.Si accepted, she wore gloves to the Church at Easter.

Thus, Valentine is not commercially produced as some claim 14th seraient.Le holiday is now simple Awareness Day (sad), and many are Valentin anti.Je understand not why when he is not only a day for the romance.Je bet that even if you happen to be unique, there are people who take vous.La day of family and friends, and absolutely any person whom you happy in your vie.Il should be adopted as a day for love and friendship, as well as the ancient Romans did so long.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Last night - poem about Jesus and his Final Night on Earth

Last night

the sky was painted black and grey, the wind blew strangely this day here.
flock of white doves fly normally is remained hidden away

While a soldier looked up to heaven-
with lifted hands
scream to the heavens-"why?".

the earthquake has rocked
the city, the rumble of Thunder as growling a lion
satisfy his hunger.

While women look with the eyes of tears,
best friend owns
his mother tight, his head lowered
in a silence of death;

which ensured that there his soul to rest.

the traitor embraces the fearful lies
race organizers,
the great betray.

the scales of justice,
switch to your side
hope begins a new tonight here.

the wave wash clean-
prints in the sand.
the eraser cleans up Board, the teacher of the hand;

the shirt is torn
is repaired as new;
the robe stained with blood,
washing and by.
clean and white
as the morning dew.

slap the agony
the crack of the whip
bloody lap
the shame and arrow and rip flesh
the impending death
the last breath;

the weight of the world at the top of a hill
steps tortured,
day-time - seems to be still.
Struggle and conflict - Jerusalem

bloodied return
harsh wind chill, the integrity of the morning of love
generously willed.

Purple mantle
and the Crown of thorns in his beard,
a drop of blood.

a silent reminder
the next day, and it falls
for the dusty ground beside her thongs feet.

the love of the truth
washing hands, sleepless nights.
light of the dawn of the emergence of sands;

silence-eyes directly ported to the sky
While the birds fly
and the cry of women;

loans with piercing nails
hands and feet.
a moment of pain
with the angels accompanying grief.

tortured nails
the ultimate test

were suddenly forced to leave their
by balanced flesh stretched.

"renounce their prayers.
He was heard to say-
This hectic day
He looked up and silently
While on the set;

"You'll be with me."
"in the arms of paradise"
He promised a man
by his face torture a man who did not deserved
However, the promise
not be forgotten, never

at new moon the spring
traveled onward
in the space
to inform the world of the night in another place that did not know
what took place.

stab a Harpoon
in the side of a man, while blood poured out on
like tears.
on the ground that he resides.

the price is the same day as a debt
Finally, paid
or free - purchase

a slave in captivity.

"Why you leave me."
pain tortured,
with the eyes looking upward into the sky
body contortions shame;

the broken body
with a dove lifeless, clinging to a game.
an equitable Exchange
for a tragic mistake.

"I carry your loads if you think"
the waters of life

"I am with you-lead"
is what it says
two thousand years atras,
before his death.

and leaves of trees, life for a thousand years.
You will provide
a story of tragedy, triumph,
the Millennium plan
cloth skilfully.

End of the poem

Last hours last night to Jesus on Earth and the mort.Un Interestingly on the death of Jesus is that, according to biblical scholars, Jesus probably died on a simple game, rather than a cross two - pieced translated original Greek .Mots often "cross," originally meant a game or a pole erect, as used in the day of Jesus, and the form of execution used in Roman times was a cross jeu.La was a pagan symbol became a part of Christianity, explains dictionary words expository new testament vigne.Le poem is based on the accounts of the Gospel of Matthew, mark, Luke and John.

This, of course, removes anything away for the Supreme love Jesus Christ made on behalf of others, that it lends abandons his life to pay for the singing of mankind and those who believe to eternal life, according to the said Bible.Jésus Act: "for God loved the world so much, that he gave his only son created, so that everyone exercise faith in him, could not be destroyed, but have eternal life."Jesus has said, "no man is also most love it, he must abandon his soul to his friends.

When Jesus was running, he prayed to God, "father forgive, because they don't know what they are doing". Jesus taught his disciples to pray to their enemies and bless those who persecute you, and he practiced what he preached.

He continued to think not of himself, but, as it was exécuté.Il said to the woman who were crying as led to Golgotha, "Cry for me but for yourselves, because..." Jesus knew the trials were in advance for some of these women.

He asked his closest disciple John, the participation of torture to his mother in his home "look your mother."To Mary his mother, he said, "look your son."He said even that he was in his last hours of the vie.Et before dying, he blessed the repentant, and sincere tyrant who was executed together with him, "truly I tell you now, you'll be with me in paradise."

Anyone could have up to this noble ethics? like a story more high-level self-sacrifice that has never written on the historic real person? it seems very likely that someone could skilfully designed such histoire.Jésus Christ was a real part of history, and although some doubted some of the details of his life and death, rest, that no man has left so many a footprint on the Earth, more humble Carpenter Ministry, Jesus Christ.Il was the greatest man always lived and the Bible says he has revived at the right hand of God, where he was appointed by God as King and judge the terre.Il is our Saviour, our Rédempteur.Il is the son of Dieu.Il is our Lord.

Friday, November 5, 2010

I thinking about donation

Poem: I think to give


Experiences of life with others can be hurtful and we have difficulties to never share again with anyone at all. As a Christian life coach and leadership, I thought the same way.There are no Executive, Manager, the head or member of the team that was not felt this façon.Toutefois each of us must go beyond of the wound and draw. This is the purpose of this paper is to assist those wounded in passing and succeed.

I remember working with a guy who had lost his home in a fire. He had no place elsewhere to go and I've taken my house until he could find a place to live. We have two worked for a major store. I was a manager at night and had closed the store after everyone had left for the day. Right after the definition of the alarm and lock, this guy in the store. My new partner of the House has a discount of "five fingers" spending spree.He stole everything that he could get his hands on reset alarm and left the magasin.Il thought that he had the same code alarm than me. And since I had locked the store and set alarm which authorities would look to me like the one who had robbed the store. What he did not know, is that as Manager, my code was different from her and he was arrested for the crime.

I've been injured and are used because I took pity on this guy roaming. He tried to have me arrested for a crime that I did not commit. I wondered what it was that I had done to him so he wants to do it for me.I didn't trust anyone to nouveau.Je know that many of you experienced in your life by other ways. But I had to understand that not everyone in this world is left me harm. I could really helped me put in prison, if I had locked my auto away others. He would have earned.

Today, I am happily married with two beautiful children. I freely give my time to the boys and young men on how to become leaders in camping Christian program called Royal Rangers.I am also working with children in local schools to teach leadership YH ' have excellent friendly relations with several people I cherish and respect. I have so much now, but, as many of you, is at a turning point. Could I be in pain and hurt or move past it.I choose freedom.You should also.

Don't let yourself to think about giving to others, as a result of recent pinches YH ' I opened my eyes to see both sides giving.As a result, I see clearly that I get back more that I can always give my wife, children, people that I mentor, my or my friends.To let past hurts or present day hurts you only give part of what makes you unique and spécial.Il there will be those who benefit from your generosity, but it is ok.Vous have no control over what anyone will do with your generosity, but you have control of generosity which can come listed you in donner.Comme me, you'll see that you get much more back than you give forever, if you try to see both sides giving.

If you donate your time or sinking into another life, I challenge you to the faire.Comme I said, you'll find that you must obtain the return to many more that you can still give someone another if ever think to give.

Copyright 2006 Stan Lewis