Last night
the sky was painted black and grey, the wind blew strangely this day here.
flock of white doves fly normally is remained hidden away
While a soldier looked up to heaven-
with lifted hands
scream to the heavens-"why?".
the earthquake has rocked
the city, the rumble of Thunder as growling a lion
satisfy his hunger.
While women look with the eyes of tears,
best friend owns
his mother tight, his head lowered
in a silence of death;
which ensured that there his soul to rest.
the traitor embraces the fearful lies
race organizers,
the great betray.
the scales of justice,
switch to your side
hope begins a new tonight here.
the wave wash clean-
prints in the sand.
the eraser cleans up Board, the teacher of the hand;
the shirt is torn
is repaired as new;
the robe stained with blood,
washing and by.
clean and white
as the morning dew.
slap the agony
the crack of the whip
bloody lap
the shame and arrow and rip flesh
the impending death
the last breath;
the weight of the world at the top of a hill
steps tortured,
day-time - seems to be still.
Struggle and conflict - Jerusalem
bloodied return
harsh wind chill, the integrity of the morning of love
generously willed.
Purple mantle
and the Crown of thorns in his beard,
a drop of blood.
a silent reminder
the next day, and it falls
for the dusty ground beside her thongs feet.
the love of the truth
washing hands, sleepless nights.
light of the dawn of the emergence of sands;
silence-eyes directly ported to the sky
While the birds fly
and the cry of women;
loans with piercing nails
hands and feet.
a moment of pain
with the angels accompanying grief.
tortured nails
the ultimate test
were suddenly forced to leave their
by balanced flesh stretched.
"renounce their prayers.
He was heard to say-
This hectic day
He looked up and silently
While on the set;
"You'll be with me."
"in the arms of paradise"
He promised a man
by his face torture a man who did not deserved
However, the promise
not be forgotten, never
at new moon the spring
traveled onward
in the space
to inform the world of the night in another place that did not know
what took place.
stab a Harpoon
in the side of a man, while blood poured out on
like tears.
on the ground that he resides.
the price is the same day as a debt
Finally, paid
or free - purchase
a slave in captivity.
"Why you leave me."
pain tortured,
with the eyes looking upward into the sky
body contortions shame;
the broken body
with a dove lifeless, clinging to a game.
an equitable Exchange
for a tragic mistake.
"I carry your loads if you think"
the waters of life
"I am with you-lead"
is what it says
two thousand years atras,
before his death.
and leaves of trees, life for a thousand years.
You will provide
a story of tragedy, triumph,
the Millennium plan
cloth skilfully.
End of the poem
Last hours last night to Jesus on Earth and the mort.Un Interestingly on the death of Jesus is that, according to biblical scholars, Jesus probably died on a simple game, rather than a cross two - pieced translated original Greek .Mots often "cross," originally meant a game or a pole erect, as used in the day of Jesus, and the form of execution used in Roman times was a cross jeu.La was a pagan symbol became a part of Christianity, explains dictionary words expository new testament vigne.Le poem is based on the accounts of the Gospel of Matthew, mark, Luke and John.
This, of course, removes anything away for the Supreme love Jesus Christ made on behalf of others, that it lends abandons his life to pay for the singing of mankind and those who believe to eternal life, according to the said Bible.Jésus Act: "for God loved the world so much, that he gave his only son created, so that everyone exercise faith in him, could not be destroyed, but have eternal life."Jesus has said, "no man is also most love it, he must abandon his soul to his friends.
When Jesus was running, he prayed to God, "father forgive, because they don't know what they are doing". Jesus taught his disciples to pray to their enemies and bless those who persecute you, and he practiced what he preached.
He continued to think not of himself, but, as it was exécuté.Il said to the woman who were crying as led to Golgotha, "Cry for me but for yourselves, because..." Jesus knew the trials were in advance for some of these women.
He asked his closest disciple John, the participation of torture to his mother in his home "look your mother."To Mary his mother, he said, "look your son."He said even that he was in his last hours of the vie.Et before dying, he blessed the repentant, and sincere tyrant who was executed together with him, "truly I tell you now, you'll be with me in paradise."
Anyone could have up to this noble ethics? like a story more high-level self-sacrifice that has never written on the historic real person? it seems very likely that someone could skilfully designed such histoire.Jésus Christ was a real part of history, and although some doubted some of the details of his life and death, rest, that no man has left so many a footprint on the Earth, more humble Carpenter Ministry, Jesus Christ.Il was the greatest man always lived and the Bible says he has revived at the right hand of God, where he was appointed by God as King and judge the terre.Il is our Saviour, our Rédempteur.Il is the son of Dieu.Il is our Lord.
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