Thursday, November 18, 2010

A poem a day keeps the Heartache Away

In this complex world of technological gadgets, we run at a pace that would blush at the thought of our ancestors. Faxes are not yet fast enough, because we email which is instant. And whatever you are not at your computer because many phones deliver email in a snap. The latest news of to good overseas or weeds – past tickers to clarify and emphasize your day-it everything it fast digital transmission electron. It is a wonder that we have little or no time for self-reflection, for a moment of tranquillity away from the maddening crowd?

Yesteryear halcyon days often look like a distant memory. I remember that the highlight of my day when I sit in my room for several hours and enjoy classics - Tolstoy to Shakespeare's Hardy Keats - books containing these great works lined my shelves as eager to foam lining of the host tree.Whenever I read it as great literature, and especially after the memorize a certain passage books or some verse one of classic poems, I feel a soothing sense of good that today ' today appears as a distant souvenir.La heat, I felt reading the sonnets of Shakespearean or Barrett Browning and pleasure that I received from reading "Elegy written in a country Court Gray" inspired me to new heights and relaxed any grief, I had the impression of being trapped in the banal existence that I felt compelled to live.

No doubt for the reasons I was inspired to write poetry.Poetry is a way of sustainable long after the death of the poet, but especially the poetry is a way of facilitating grief is often imposed on us life quotidienne.parce poetry expresses things so symbolic and flowery, this mode of communication gives the reader the opportunity to enjoy a moment of calm self-reflection and the law becomes the anodyne of grief.In addition, if infuse us faith in poetry and divert their attention to a higher field and a higher being same God our Creator-then, we have the recipe to relieve sorrow and pain.

So do yourself a favour and relieve some grief today .read a poem or two and start to make some quiet self-reflection.

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