Tuesday, October 19, 2010

John Donne - two religious poems

In his religious poetry, John Donne (1572-1631) used the same techniques he had developed in his poetry of love. In this article we will examine two of religious poems, 'Holy Sonnet (perfume, my heart)' and "Hymn to God the father".

Two poems are religious in two addresses poet himself directly to God and both the address is familiar in style. The difference is in the kind of feeling expressed by the poet. "Batter my heart" is a plea desperate for God to make its presence felt. ""A hymn to God the father" is a quiet and serene, hymn asking forgiveness.

Typically provides, "Fragrance my heart" opens with a dramatic exclamation:

"Batter my heart, three persons would be God.

The opening force is maintained in the poème.Le rhythm is an insistent hammering and images are almost all violent actions.Explosive opening word "B" continues in the alliteration lines 3 and 4: [...] bend... break, blow fire...

The poem is written in the imperative tendue.Donne is begging to do against himself, thus implying the superiority of God and the intensity of the way to maximize action.

The main idea behind the poem is struggle to deal with Dieu.Il shows links to do the will of God through images of war, marriage and sex.

I, as a usurpt towne...

Any reason, your Viceroy in mee, mee should defend...

But it is captived...

...I'm betroth'd to your enemie

Divorce mee...

Provides imagery conveys the idea that the forces that bind him are not only powerful but also deeply personal RTI ' be 'betroth' of for the devil implies commitment profond.Il pleads with God to enforce his will with the same intense double - qualities and personnelles.Il wants to experience the presence of God with the intensity of the "break, blow, burn" and personal participation implied by "trap", "captivated" and "rape".

... imprison me, i

Unless you ' Captivate me, never shall be free.

Except that you should never chast rape mee.

These lines contain characteristic provides conceits; it cannot be free until he is imprisoned or chaste until it is ravished.

"A hymn to God the father" is a poem Pacific, with a steady pace free flowing reflecting the easy acceptance of the will of God and, as a hymn, make it easy for the congregation to chanter.Le rhythm is repeated for the three versets.Mots and expressions are also occasions, focusing on the uniqueness of the goal behind mots.Par example, the expression "wilt thou forgive" occurs four times in the first two verses.

The argument contains a feature gives vanity, in:

When thou hast done, thou hast not done.

This line also contains a set of words on "done" / "Give", vanity as the pun conveying humbling one another set of words occurs in verse three with "sun" and "sons".this devices add a distinctive touch of humour at work.

Despite the personal in the play on words on "Deal" and also written reference as an address to the first person, this poem is not so much personal as "Supreme my heart".lorsque "Fragrance my heart" expresses a complex control of the personal horrendous, "Hymn to God the father" expresses a simple universal notion that can share all Christians, an essential quality for a hymn.

There is a metaphysical logic in "Hymn to God the father" in the repeated line:

When thou hast done, thou hast not done,

Because I have more.

Contrary to the arguments of metaphysical poetry, the motivation behind the words is not persuasion but the confession, but the logic is reduced to a conclusion in the final verse with:

And after, thou hast done.

I have no more.

This conclusion is the ultimate state wants to achieve peace and forgiveness after death and should serve as a source of inspiration for the Congregation sing the anthem of every Christian.

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