Thursday, October 28, 2010

Poems for the soul.

Because of you

Because of you, when I see the Sun have developed fire and night turn to day, and then I realize that it is thanks to you.When I see the flowers grow, but never, I can see how the wind blows I know that it is thanks to vous.Oui your Word is true, and I long for the praise that I have Lord, yes everything is thanks to you.

When I see the rise of high real sea or Sky down so low, I know that it is thanks to you.When I am on my sick bed feeling half of the dead and the next thing I know I'm feeling good and ready to go, I know that it is thanks to you.Yes, I realize that everything is through vous.Je thank you for a great réalisation.La realization of my Lord Jesus Christ you!

Thank you father

Thank you for the spirit father you gave me, always know to come before thee. Never know what to expect, but always trust you, because I know you give me your best. Go alone on this journey and see things that I see, I ask only if people even know not for you.

Well if they do, or if they do, I know that there is nothing such as lucky. All come from you and organize your actual password. By the breath I breathe free life and in a breeze. Thank you father for everything and sit patiently and wait for your reign.

For joy

Joy leave Earth and sky ring, joy, Jesus will come again, joy, say all our voices of lifting and sing that Jesus is our Lord.Joy, say remove us our pride and let Jesus resident, the ruler of all things, and that allow him to be our joy guide.Pour let peace and not war, the joy that Jesus restore our joy âmes.De say put an end to poverty and let the power of Jesus to govern from in.I do my best for joy and knowing that Jesus will do the rest.Joy, I pray every day, knowing a way of doing in my heart this willingness of Jesus.Bands I've cured, and him, I do my call.For his grace and mercy are extensively, alone with his force leads me to victory.If I say that on that day that Jesus is the only way.

Have you ever wondered

You asked why the sky is blue, or have you ever thought that on what makes the rosée.Vous have you ever wondered what inhibits the sea of Earth, spilling ever more just sat there all the grand.Vous have you ever wondered in this year 2008 tornadoes are always nice, never knowing its speed, and never knowing where it will fall, but knowing it will bring destruction to tous.Vous have you ever wondered how see you the Sun at noon and yet another coast fair begins to grow, bringing to dawn just as a guide.Bien, I know this and I know its true that Lord agenda would never souffrance.Il the custody order, little importance that season or region and always regardless of the reason.

It is his true Word and cannot because rien.Je thank you for the order and he praised its grandeur, that nobody can touch or change the order was faites.Ils can take away our rights, or other things hardware, but ultimately, it is Jesus who will be règnent.Vous have you ever wondered and it if true, Jesus will do without you.

Remember to read your Bible!

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